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Masseria Scrivilleri: Flavors of Sicily

Fresh Braid Cheese of Sheep and Goat, Fresh or Smoked

Fresh Braid Cheese of Sheep and Goat, Fresh or Smoked

VAT Included

DESCRIPTION: the treccia is a fresh stretched curd cheese obtained from the processing of sheep and goat milk and molded by hand to give it the typical intertwined shape. Soft and elastic in consistency, sweet and delicate in the white version, with hints of smoked in the dark version.


    The braid of raw milk, white or smoked milk, is excellent consumed alone as an appetizer, to be grilled or used to enrich baked goods or in tasty salads and sandwiches.


    Il latte fresco della munta mattutina e della sera precedente viene raccolto e portato al caseificio, riscaldato alla temperatura di 38°C, viene inoculato con fermenti lattici e successivamente cagliato. Per la produzione di questo formaggio il latte non viene pastorizzato. Ottenuta la cagliata questa viene rotta a nocciola e lasciata a maturare sotto siero per circa tre ore. Successivamente viene tagliata a listarelle, addizionata con sale al 2%, filata con acqua a temperatura di 85°C e formata a mano. Viene posta al consumo il giorno successivo dalla lavorazione.

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    Ingredients: raw sheep and goat milk, rennet, enzymes, salt, liquid smoke

    Allergens: milk and milk products (including lactose)

    Storage: keep in a dry and dark place at + 4 °. It is advisable to open the vacuum package and leave the pecorino at room temperature for at least 60 minutes before consuming it.

    Milk: sheep and goat

    Seasoning: fresh

    Format: 400g braid The weight, being manually predetermined, can slightly deviate + or - from the declared

    Packaging: vacuum packed

    Shelf life: 1 month from the date of packaging

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